North East T.A.I. Karate 
  The family that kicks together, sticks together!  

It benefits us all to improve our awareness of our surroundings. Women in particular, though, gain the most when they are alert and attuned to their environments. A criminal would much rather attack someone who is unaware or easily surprised than someone who looks confident and ready to resist. We don't always need to be ready for an attack, though. Improving one's awareness can mean the difference between slipping on the ice, having a car accident, or making it through the day unharmed!

This class is Free and taught four times a year. We teach one hour classes four weeks in a row. We work on simple self defense techniques and concepts as well as awareness skills, the philosophy being that we'd rather teach you to AVOID a fight than have to protect yourself in one!

Click here for more information.

Here are some photos from our classes.

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