Testamonials |
Family Karate Class |
Good afternoon,
This is just a quick note of 'thanks.' The other night during "family night", My daughter really enjoyed herself. She walked away from that class with a huge grin on her face. I was watching her during the class and was quite impressed with the teacher and assistant teachers as well. They all seemed to take a minute or two of there time to see if she was having fun and just to see how she was.
When it came to class time, the 4 different areas of learning was great to see. She loved the part where she could kick and punch the sand bag while trying to avoid being hit with one of the foam bats. The team leader that she had that night was great with her. Making sure that she did all the moves correctly and showing her the right way when she was unsure.
Usually new people tend to keep her shy and quiet. Well, not the other night. She seemed to be getting used to everyone and realize that the other students and staff are there not to be afraid of and they will not hurt her. She got home that night and she was still "kicking" from class.
I hope that this note is not too wordy. I just wanted to give my 'thanks' to everyone. It makes learning more fun and easier for her. She will see everyone next Thursday's class!
---Jessica |
Women's Awareness and Saftey Program |
This was a letter to the editor of The Villager
The week of Feb. 28th 2006
I’d like to let the community know about a beneficial class I recently took. The Woman’s Self Defense class taught at North East T.A.I. Karate in Hillsboro was empowering! This was my first such class and each session was extremely beneficial to my understanding of why attacks happen and how to proactively lessen these chances, in addition to basic defense tactics that anyone can learn!
The class was four sessions in duration and Richard and Joshua of North East T.A.I Karate were professional, courteous and engaged with each participant each night. Classes similar to this one are held every two months at no cost and are genuinely a confidence booster to any woman!
I’ve gained more awareness of my surroundings, valuable self defense techniques and increased confidence by attending this class and highly recommend it to any women in the area of any age!
Sonya Schumacher
| "I never knew that you can use some many everyday objects to defend yourself. Very informative. Fun and friendly atmosphere. No pressure. At your pace with no finger pointing. Everyone is there to learn. Makes you look at the view in front of you with open eyes. Don't look down, you might miss something!
It's not what happens to you, but how you react that matters!"
---Jess Audette
| W.A.S.P.
This class has done a lot for me. It has sharpened my awareness of things and people around me.
It has boosted my self respect.
I have a bad back and the techniques that are tault with that in mind. I like not feeling disabled!
It's nice to know that no matter what happens that I'm the one in control
--- Rocky Yeaton |