North East T.A.I. Karate 
  The family that kicks together, sticks together!  

Little Dragons
Minimum Classes Since Previous Belt:

Prepare to punch – Say go sey chume be
Forward punch to the chest – Chun jin
Forward punch to the chin – Sang dan chun jin
Front snap kick – Op cha gi
Side kick – Yop cha gi
Spear hand to the chest – quan soo
Two fingers to the throat – revan quan soo
One finger to the eye – eel ban quan soo
Up block – sah dan banew
Down block – ha dan banew
Outside block – cha na gi
Inside block – cha no ki
Open hand block – Mye bo sey
Back fist – ju mok
Back fist to the side from a horse stance – Yop ju mok
Open hand strike to the side from a horse stance – Yop shuto
Punch to the chest from a horse stance – Yop chun jin
Back kick
Inside crescent kick
Outside crescent kick
Front leg round kick
Back leg round kick
Hook kick
Axe Kick
Spinning side kick
Spinning back kick
Inside block from a horse stance
Outside block from a horse stance
Double block from a horse stance

Kick Kata 1 Flowing Water Defense Stance 1
Taigo 1 Taigo 2 Pinon 1
Anako Pinon 2

Self Defense Techniques
30 (not including block chop strike, rush crush, hatchet or sneak attack)

Sparring Techniques

Other Requirements
Know the rules of the Dojo
Properly dressed for all classes
Belt tied correctly
Forward Fall
Backward Fall
Side Falls
Forward Shoulder Roll

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