North East T.A.I. Karate 
  The family that kicks together, sticks together!  

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Sensei Richard Stellato, 4th Dan
Co-owner and instructor at North East T.A.I. Karate.

"Mister Rich," as he prefers to be called, has been a martial artist since 1999. In that time, he has worked with hundreds of students of all ages, helping them to improve their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. He considers himself to be a "professional role model" and takes the title of "Sensei" very seriously. He believes that strong personal ties, both in the family and in the community, are vital if the ills of our present society are to be cured. Having said that, he likes to laugh loudly and often, and he truly enjoys teaching.

Rich is a lifelong resident of Hillsboro (aside from a three year stint in Georgia/South Carolina, where he first learned martial arts under Master Andy Watford.) He graduated near the top of the Class of 1995 at Hillsboro Deering High School, and earned a 3.94 GPA while obtaining Bachelor's degrees in Forensic Science and Chemistry.

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